Subscription to the exam B-VCA / VOL-VCA / VIL-VCU


Attention: Participants can't forget their identity card/passport, otherwise they won't be admit at the examin.

  Date: 2024-12-19: Start om 17:15.
  Location: La Source Marche A.S.B.L.
Place Toucrée 6
6900 Marche-en-Famenne

       The exam B-VCA lasts maximal 1 hour.
       The exam VOL-VCA/VIL-VCA lasts maximal 1 hour 15 minutes.
       Important! All data have to be filled out! It's necessary to:
       - inform about the results of the exam;
       - send the invoice and the certificats;

       In case the participant does only the exam, there is no subvention possible!

       Fill out this form and ad participants. All cells with * are obligatory. Use capitals and minuscules.

Rapid fill of the participants data:
 Login: Password:
 Log in forgotten? Send a e-mail to
 Are you a regular costumer and you haven't yet a log in? Ask your log in here.
Data invoice!
Name company* (voor particulieren: "optie")
VAT number* (ex.: BE0000.000.000)
Soc. Sec. number of the company (only numbers)
Street + number*
Postal code + community*
Land code*
Phone number*
Fax number
Reference on invoice
Data responsable
Mobile number
I'm agree with the general terms and conditions of HaCeCo-E.
      You want to subscribe for the training with exam? Use this link.